Searching for the Perfect Hanging Basket or Garden Feature?

Stop by our garden center to see what we have available

Do you want to add a personal touch to your yard? Or maybe you want to do some upgrades yourself. If you need landscaping and gardening products, turn to Green Lakes Home & Garden.

We sell a wide variety of products, including our popular hanging baskets, that will add interest to your yard. Stop by our store today to browse our selection. Popular brands we carry - Proven Winners, FoxFarm Soil, and Pro-Mix Soil.

Shop for all your landscaping needs in one place

Why go to three or four different stores to get supplies when you could shop at Green Lakes Home & Garden? When you visit our store, you'll find:

  • Plants, including vegetables, flowers, shrubs and bushes
  • Outdoor décor, like flags, wind chimes, gnomes and statuaries
  • Home décor, including wall signs, water pitchers, plant stands and specialty pots
  • Landscaping supplies, such as specialty plant food, fertilizer, stone and topsoil
  • Bulk products such as mulch, screened topsoil, mushroom compost and decorative stone.
  • Retail products such as potting soils, specialty plant food, flower pots and home decor

Want to learn more about our products? Get in touch with us right away.

garden center richfield springs ny